ADAPTIL Calm On-the-go Collar is a clinically proven solution to calm your dog indoors and outdoors, in situations like loud noises, staying alone, boarding and other fearful situations.
- Brings you and your dog closer, by providing constant reassurance to your dog
- Clinically proven, veterinary used and recommended
Adaptil is a brand of Ceva Animal Health, who has become a global leader in pet care since their start in 1999. Today, they are the eighth largest animal care company in the world, and they are one of the fastest growing animal health companies as well. They have expertise centers that focus on the two fields of pharmacology and biology, where the expert teams work diligently to create solutions for all types of species. Adaptil is for the dogs, with a calming collar that puts four-legged pals at ease during a variety of stressful situations. It’s great for pet parents that want to try a drug-free or supplement-free route, because the collar works from the outside by releasing calming pheromones. It’s activated by the dog’s own body heat, and it works at all times whether he’s inside or outside. Help dogs take a breath of fresh—and calming—air!